Differentiate Tile Collisions

I always use the signal body_entered to detect collisions. This signal has a parameter with the body of the collision. But here’s the problem: if it collides with the shape of a tile it will always return the TileMap object, independently of which tile we collide with.

In my case I wanted to detect the house where the villager is, so his projectiles don’t collide with it but can still collide with other tiles like trees:

Projectile colliding with house tile

The solution I found is to use the body_shape_entered signal instead of body_entered. body_shape_entered has a parameter with the RID of the body. As it turns out, the RID is unique for each shape.

Now we need a way to get the RID of the tile we want to avoid colliding with. We can do it attaching an Area2D to the window villager:

Area2D that will detect house shape

Make sure the Area2D mask has the only the bit of the tile shape you want it to collide with.

Then, in the script of the villager, we can connect the body_shape_entered signal in the _ready funcion and store the RID of the house on a variable for later use:

var house_rid: RID

func _ready() -> void:
	house_shape_detector.body_shape_entered.connect(func(body_rid: RID, body: Node2D, body_shape_index: int, local_shape_index: int) -> void:

And that’s it, now we only need to make the projectile hitbox ignore this RID. In my case I created an array of rids to exclude on the hitbox script. Replace the body_entered signal of the hitbox for the body_shape_entered and just return if the RID of the body the hitbox collides with is in the exclude array:

var exclude_rid: Array[RID] = []

func _on_body_shape_entered(body_rid: RID, body: Node2D, body_shape_index: int, local_shape_index: int) -> void:
	if exclude_rid.has(body_rid):

    # Deal damage to the body

When the villager throws the projectile, we add the house rid to the projectile exclude_rid array:

func _throw() -> void:
	var projectile: Projectile = POSSIBLE_SCENE.instantiate()

Here’s the final result:

Final result: proectile collides with trees but not with house

The house and the tree are tiles that have the same collision layer. The projectile collides with the tree but not with the house. Nice!


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