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Differentiate Tile Collisions

I always use the signal body_entered to detect collisions. This signal has a parameter with the body of the collision. But here’s the problem: if it collides with the shape of a tile it will always return the TileMap object, independently of which tile we collide with.

In my case I wanted to detect the house where the villager is, so his projectiles don’t collide with it but can still collide with other tiles like trees:

Projectile colliding with house tile

Compile Godot Export Templates

The basic command to compile an export template is:

scons platform=linuxbsd target=template_release

Where platform could also be windows, android… instead of linuxbsd. Both templates can be compiled at the same time using template_debug/template_release.

Load Json Into Dictionary

To load a json into a dictionary we can use the following code:

var data: Dictionary
var file: File = File.new()
if file.open("res://assets/weapons.json", File.READ):
	printerr("Error opening weapons json")
data = JSON.parse(file.get_as_text()).result

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